Thank you to all who attended the Open Meeting! We welcomed our new board members, discussed volunteer opportunities, went over our tentative 2025 horse show schedule (still awaiting board approval for which shows will be MHJA recognized), talked about the high school lettering program, reminded members that the MN State Fair and Harvest shows will not be happening this year, shared future plans for the MHJA, and talked about our successes and areas for improvement. We look forward to seeing you all in 2025!​
Attention MHJA Barns! The MHJA is looking for barns to contribute to this year's Awards Banquet silent auction by putting together Barn Baskets! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your barn’s creativity and support the association, all while contributing to a fun and meaningful cause. CLICK HERE for more information about creating your basket. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
This next Newsletter issue will feature our 2024 graduate MHJA members! Congrats and thank you in advance for your submissions! The DEADLINE IS JUNE 6 for these articles-or earlier, the sooner the better!
The format will be as follows:
Please send me 3-4 photos. I cannot use proofs, so be sure that you have permission to use the photos.
For the body of the article, please answer the following questions, either in paragraph form or by or in an interview format. If you choose not to answer all of them, that is fine, but if you are graduating, I bet you can! There is not a word limit, but-keep it simple and fun-not a novel. Please have someone proofread.
​Tell us the School/College from which you are graduating.
Brief Plans for your future.
What is your proudest equestrian moment?
Do you have an embarrassing or funny memory you’d care to share?
What was your favorite MHJA related moment and why? (From a show that is MHJA approved, involving a friend that you met through MHJA...)
Please send these to Heather Parish (eagleton94@gmail.com) before June 6th. Thanks!
A big thank you to all who joined us at the Minnesota Harvest Horse Show this year! This show does not happen without its sponsors. Notably, the Nancy Allison Perkins Foundation, JSL Equestrian, Scenic River Farm, hospitality provided by St. Croix Saddlery and Homestretch Thoroughbreds, and the many other corporate and farm sponsors for their financial assistance. Thank you to the Showplace Production team, along with Andrew Ryback Photography and his team, for the great work everyone did to make this show a success! Thanks to all the wonderful volunteers!
Due to the renovation of the Minnesota State Fair Coliseum during 2025, our next Harvest Horse Show will be held in October, 2026. We hope to see you there!
The Minnesota Harvest Horse Show Committee is happy to announce that Monday, August 28 at 12 noon, the MHHS Eventbrite page will be open to purchase tickets for the 2023 Grand Prix of Minnesota. This event will be held Saturday, Oct 7 at 6:30 pm! Come join us! Visit: https://www.facebook.com/MinnesotaHarvestHorseShow or https://minnesotaharvesthorseshow.com/tickets/
As of August 25, MHJA Year End Points have been updated through Two Rivers Summer Festival (Maffitt Lake week 2)! Click HERE to check your points!
MHJA Fall Newsletter Submissions
The deadline for the next MHJA Newsletter issue is August 25th!
We are looking for photos and stories from the Stonegate shows, Maffitt Lake, Pony Finals, State Fair, and more!!
Do you have a favorite Kris Rame story, memory or tribute that you’d care to share? Perhaps a photo?
Eyes and Ears! What have you and your barn family been up to lately?
Please email Heather (eagleton94@gmail.com) with submissions by August 25th.
Seeking submissions for the Summer Newsletter Issue
Class of 2023! If you would like to be featured in the Newsletter, please email Heather (eagleton94@gmail.com) by June 2nd with the following information:
3-5 photos including one from your early years (these can be with or without your equine friends!)
Tell us about yourself!
What school/ college are you graduating from?​
Brief plans for your future
What is your proudest equestrian moment?
Do you have an embarrassing or funny memory you'd care to share?
What advice would you give to someone starting out in equestrian sports?
What was your favorite MHJA-related moment and why?
Welcome new MHJA Board members!
Emma Gambach
Tracy Grandstrand
Stephanie Greeninger
Jeni McDermott
Tal Mizrahi
Kirsten Priebe
Jamie Burris
Anna Trace
Kristine Williams
Today-July 31st!
Did you forget to renew your MHJA membership? Or maybe you’ve never enrolled before? Did you ride a horse that is owned by someone else that you thought was a member, or who joined as a sustaining member? Want your POINTS to COUNT for shows this year?
Enroll by July 31st, and your points will count for Omaha Equestrian Preview, Mid States Summer, Summerfest and Stonegate Summer shows!"
Want to know more? Are you ready to volunteer? Email Norine at mhjazone6@gmail.com for more information about volunteering for the MHJA board of directors.
It's time to register for Stonegate Summer I and II shows! You can register online through horseshowsonline.com at the link below.
Register Stonegate Summer I-II - July 14-17
MHJA Educational Clinic is excited to present - Ask the Expert: Knowing Your Horse 101- Preventive Care and Emergency Preparedness with Dr. Renier
Please join the MHJA Education Committee and our special guest, Dr. Anna Renier, (DVM, DACVIM, CVSMT, FCOAC) of Renier Equine Veterinary Services at Grand Oaks Farm on Sunday, April 3, for a presentation of horse anatomy, equine health vital signs, vaccinations, Springtime wellness exam, information to have ready for veterinarians and more. Dr. Renier is happy to take questions from her audience after her presentation.
Date: 04/03/2022 (Sun.)
Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm CDT
Fortuna Farm
1425 Tamarack Drive
Long Lake, MN 55356
Please review the available slots below and click on the link to sign up. Registration is free of charge for MHJA members. We invite non-members as well, for a $5 fee at the door. We look forward to seeing you!
MHHS and MHJA are extending our support to the Cudmore's who have always been strong supporters of our show. All members that are able can support the Cudmore's during this difficult time by donating through the link below.
Year End Awards issue of the Newsletter photo requirements. Please be sure to include the name of the horse, rider, and division. Deadline mid February.
Email photos to eagleton94@gmail.com
Tinkerbell owned and ridden by Joe Smith, Champion Short Stirrup Hunter
Reserve Champion Medium Pony Hunter
Equitation divisions do not need the name of the horse. No proofs.
We are pleased to publish the expanded 2022 Schooling Show Schedule. Red Pine has added two shows in the western suburbs – Alpine and Grand Oak Farm (formerly Wild Oak), along with several Dressage shows. North Run continues with their Hunter and Dressage shows along with Turn Crest near Rochester. We thank them for providing such a great schedule for riders!
Watch the recording of the MHJA Annual Open Meeting that was held on December 13, 2021. https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/Sn0uZNYj1d7Sg1TgPeQBO9JJEXjG7onjMDSzrw8tzv3ZOvzBylGZom-f4HvtK-UF.gZJf8oSEIRCPjwD- Passcode: .s=Jy0D1
MHJA Board of Director Changes: Please Join us in thanking the following outgoing members from the MHJA Board of Directors: Gretchen Erpelding, Richelle Fermanich, Nancy Giacchetti, Sue Novak and welcoming the following newly appointed BOD members: Alyssa Deering, Gina Vlahos, Christina Hayden. We look forward to having you join the Board!
2022 Membership & Horseman's Directory: Online sign-up or Paper Option $5 off through 1/31. THANK YOU for your support!
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Join the MHJA Board of Directors and fellow members at the Virtual Annual Open Meeting on Monday, Dec 13, 2021 at 7 p.m. Meet the new Board Members, hear about the health of MHJA, the Year in Review, MHJA Juniors, 2022 Goal Alignment with Mission, and many other topics.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: MHJA2021
Or by phone at +1 312 626 6977
Webinar ID: 863 3813 8127
Passcode: 58159392
Final Year End Points now Published! Congratulations to everyone on a show season well ridden!
Join the MHJA Board of Directors and fellow members at the Virtual Annual Open Meeting on Monday, Dec 13, 2021 at 6:30 p.m.
Year-end Awards Update Although we would much rather celebrate in person, the MHJA Year-End Award Committee is assembling beautiful ribbons, hard-earned prizes, polishing special Perpetual trophies, and other goodies into "Barn Boxes" to distribute our 2021 Year-End Awards safely and socially-distanced to our members. We will share more details as they are available. Congratulations on a successful 2021 show season!
POINTS NOW AVAILABLE! Jumpers, Hunters, and Equitation through Mid States Fall.
Pony Riders, Earn Money with Your Horsemanship Skills! Zone 6 riders that compete in the pony divisions (Green working pony hunter, Regular working pony hunter, Pony medal, Pony jumper and Children's hunter pony) are invited to take the Emerson Burr Horsemanship Test. We plan on holding the test open from 10 AM to 2 PM in the horse barn near the exhibitor's lounge at the Harvest Horse show on Saturday, October 9th. The test is free to participate and the winners from each age group win a $100 grant from USEF and the chance to compete at next year's Pony Finals Second Section of the Emerson Burr Horsemanship Test.
Mid States Season Finale - Canceled
See details at midstateshorseshows.com
The MN Harvest Horse Show Prize List, Schedule and Entry form/process are now open! Free Online Entry preferred. We are welcoming back many past, and some new, sponsors who have made this show possible! minnesotaharvesthorseshow.com
Tickets are now available for the MN Harvest Horse Show Grand Prix to be held Saturday, October 9. Get your Early Bird Special now! https://minnesotaharvesthorseshow.com/tickets/
The Minnesota Harvest Horse Show Committee is fast at work planning for this year's show to be held Oct 5-10, 2021. The MHHS website is being updated and will be kept current throughout the show. Through Twitter and Instagram, we will do our best to keep trainers, riders and spectators apprised of what's happening at the gate.
As we plan the Grand Prix Program, we would like you and your ‘barn mates’ to give some thought to running an ad to thank, honor, reflect on 2021.
The cost can be very reasonable when splitting it between people at your farm. Click on this link for the for the Media Kit and Ad Insertion Form.
You can complete the form and send the ad, a check and the form to the name and address listed on the form. To meet the publication deadline, all information must be received no later than MONDAY, SEPT 6, 2021.
If you need assistance with ad design you may contact one of the following people:
Cricket Huss, cell# 612-384-8608, bangzoom7@hotmail.com; or Rick Donnell, cell# 763-447-5049, office# 512-368-7723, rdonnell@rogerabledog.com
We look forward to seeing you at the show!
Points now available through Stonegate Summer II Horse Show. Click HERE
We are pleased to announce the "Tentative" status of the Mid States Season Finale has been removed and this show WILL take place starting Sept 15, following the Mid States Fall Horse Show! Information will be posted on our website when it becomes available.​
MN State Fair Hunter/Jumper Show to be held August 20-22. Information available HERE. Mail-in entries close July 26. Entries open July 12. Mail-in entries close July 26. Online entries encouraged and close Aug 6.
Maffitt Lake Two Rivers Festival I and II to be held Aug 4 - 8 and 11 - 15. Information available HERE.
Stonegate Jumper Division and Class results now available. Also available in different format at Horseshowsonline.com
CALLING FUTURE MHJA BOARD MEMBERS! There is a core group of Board Members who will complete 6 years on the Board as of Nov. 30. With their departure, we are in critical need of new members to become engaged in leading MHJA into the future. Please contact Sue Novak to learn more!
Stonegate Jumper Show (July 9-11) and Hunter Show (July 16-18) Prize List and other information is now available HERE Scroll DOWN to the Stonegate Show information. HUNTER ENTRIES DUE JUNE 25. Consider using Horseshowsonline.com for online entry.
The 2021 USHJA Horsemanship Quiz Stable Challenge is open! Get your barn mates together and put your knowledge to the test with this fun competition. Learn more HERE.
Deadline for MHJA Newsletter articles, 2021 Graduate stories and Eyes and Ears is June 25! Send info to Heather Parish.
North Run Farm has updated their 2021 Class List and Entry Form. The first Hunter schooling show of the season is June 15.
A hearty thank you to Libby and Tim Hott for hosting the great Maffitt Lake Spring Gathering I and II. Your friends from MN appreciate your commitment to holding a quality horse show in Zone 6!
We look forward to seeing you at the June Mid States Horse Shows. Entries close May 26. More Info Consider helping out Patrice Urban and Patty Humphries by entering online through equestrianconnect.com It's easy to use!
Through the MN State Fair Foundation, in 2021, the BELLE Grant Program will gift $500 each to 11 large-animal (including horses) exhibitors, who commit to participating in the Minnesota State Fair for the first time in 2021. Exhibitors must be MN residents between the ages of 10-18 as of Aug 26, 2021.
Great mentor opportunities are also available. Learn more HERE. Note: although the Aug Fair horse show is not being held during the Fair, it DOES qualify for this Program.
Midstates Horse Shows is coming to the North Iowa Events Center in Mason City, IA on June 9 - 13 and June 16 - 20! Check out this page to learn about the GREAT classes they are offering! Check out their BLOG to learn more! (New Website Coming Soon)
Maffitt Lake had an unfortunate crash of their website. The Prize List and all other forms are posted on our SHOW INFO tab. Please help out their show management by using horseshowsonline.com to enter the show.
Ready...Set...GO renew your MHJA Membership before APRIL 15th! Don't miss out being listed in the 2021 MHJA Directory! Online or Paper. Click the Membership Tab for information.
Support Zone 6 Spring Horse Shows April: Omaha Equestrian Preview, Elkhorn, NE, entries can be downloaded, scanned or clear photo and returned via email. May: Maffitt Lake Spring Gathering I and II, Cumming, IA. Entries are encouraged through HorseShowsOnline. Check out their links for show information.
Please refer to the updated 2021 MHJA Show Schedule. There have been several MHJA-authorized horse shows added since the last update. Please read the document carefully to confirm dates, and which shows are tentative until approved by USEF. We are please this offering has expanded since the last publication!
For our 50th year as an association, 2020 was a year of many challenges due to COVID-19. While we were all disappointed we could not celebrate together in person, we hope that the virtual barn baskets allowed you to celebrate in safe and smaller groups. MHJA extends our congratulations to everyone that was recognized for the 2020 showing season. The virtual year end committee completed the deliveries this weekend to everyone's barn they were associated in the 2020 show season and those that were not tied to a barn, they were mailed to you. The committee was able to package, label and decorate 356 ribbons, 64 champion prizes and 65 reserve champion prizes and 73 commemorative frames that were delivered to over 20 barns. We did our best to decorate and label all of the ribbon bags, frames and year end prizes (heard the ribbon tags make great cat toys). But due to this volume, we understand there will be some mistakes. If you received ribbons and prizes that you should not have or if you did get ribbons and prizes that you should have, please send an email to mhjazone6@gmail.com by 3/15/2021. We will then work with you individually to make the needed adjustments. Please be sure to check with your barn mates as some of the boxes may have been mixed up during the transportation process. Thank you for you partnership and CONGRATULATIONS!! We look forward to the 2021 season.
Before attending any schooling show at North Run Farm, please contact Jacki Danielson to confirm the show is still on and learn of any changes to the Covid protocols. We have posted a new schedule indicating date changes to Dressage in July, and Dressage and Hunters in September.
CALLING ALL JUNIORS! The MHJA Junior Board is seeking interested members (6th grade through 12th grade) to join the team. This is a great way to meet other Junior riders, contribute to your horse passion, and gain leadership experience. The application can be found HERE. Instructions are contained on the form. Thank you!!
Although we would much rather celebrate in person, the MHJA Year-End Award Committee is assembling beautiful ribbons, hard-earned prizes, polishing special Perpetual trophies, and other goodies into "Barn Boxes" to distribute our 2020 Year-End Awards safely and socially-distanced to our members at their farm homes.
They will be contacting barn representatives and trainers shortly about the best time and place to drop off the barn boxes. Thank you for your patience as we carefully assemble your beautiful awards.
We are happy to add new schooling shows to the schedule this year. Turn Crest Farms in Kasson (near Rochester) is offering 4 Hunter/Jumper Shows, and the tradition of the Three Ring Circus on May 30 at Carriage House is planned again for this year. Join the fun!
HORSEMAN'S DIRECTORY: Priced at $35 through Jan. 31, 2021. Includes MHJA newsletter ad and online Stable Map. You may also list your logo with link to home page on our website for an additional $40. Online sign-up or Paper Option $5 off through 1/31.. THANK YOU for your support!
2021 MHJA Sanctioned Show Calendar and 2021 Schooling Show Schedule are now published. North Run winter schooling shows, in particular, are dependent on the COVID situation. Interested riders should call North Run Farm, to confirm show dates.
Thank you to the 40 participants having attended our virtual Open Annual Meeting Dec. 7. If you wish to view the meeting, here is the link to the meeting along with the code. The BOD sincerely appreciates the great feedback we received from participants. https://us02web.zoom.us/.../sjyqDYDk-BxwycP4BOHcI_lcY... ODE: .3G@iMmS
2021 SAFE SPORT TRAINING: If you are a trainer, owner, competitor, parent of a minor competitor in USEF rated horse shows, your Safe Sport Training should be completed by 12/31/20. https://www.usef.org/safe-sport
2020 YE POINTS CORRECTIONS to Hunter & Jumpers only. Children's Working Hunter - Small and Med Combined;
USHJA 2' and 2'3" - Horse moved from 2' to 2'3 division; USHJA Low Adult 2'6" - Points correction on one horse;
Jr Jumpers - Reversed order in listing (points were correct;) Balance of changes were name corrections and/or typos
MHJA Board of Director Changes: Please Join us in thanking the following outgoing members from the MHJA Board of Directors: Gayle Castro, Jane Martinson, Lisa Masica and Anne Steeves. .and welcoming the following newly appointed BOD members: Mia Forbes, Heather Fites, and Megan Schnebly. We look forward to having you join the Board!
Join the MHJA Board of Directors and fellow members at the Virtual Annual Open Meeting on Monday, Dec 7, 2020 at 7 p.m. You can learn about our approach to the Year-End Awards, Survey results and the impact on our future, and much more will be shared.
Join HERE on your laptop, iPad, or Smart Phone
OR Call in at 1 312 626 6799 Webinar ID:
880 6481 6183 Passcode: : 329273
USHJA Annual Meeting is now underway through Dec. 11. The Zone 6 meeting will be held on Thurs, 12/3, from 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. You can participate virtually (phone or web) by registering HERE The schedule for the full meeting can be found HERE.A BIG THANK YOU!! to all members participating in the MHJA 2020 Survey. With an overwhelming 54% response rate, the Board has a wealth of information to guide the direction for our association as we move into our next 50 years.
Final Year End Points now Published. Congratulations to everyone on a show season well ridden!
IS YOUR BARN INTERESTED IN RUNNING A HOLIDAY MINI AD IN THE NEWSLETTER? THERE IS A HARD DEADLINE of NOVEMBER 15. If you are a new advertiser for this issue, please COMPLETE THIS FORM and send with your ad to nancy.giacchetti@partnersinsynq.com Eyes and Ears” due November 15 or before to eagleton94@gmail.com Thank you!!! Keep sending Heather old photos!! Anything before 2020 is old enough for Throwback!
The 2020 MHJA Membership Survey was sent to members on Oct 31. We need your opinion to help guide our future direction. Please look for the email from mhjazone6@gmail.com. DEADLINE NOV 14. Thank you!
Congratulations to everyone on a well run, albeit short, rated horse show season! THANK YOU to the people who made this happen:
- Dan Urban and his team at Mid States Horse Shows;
- Tim and Libby Hott and their team at Maffitt Lake Equestrian Center;
- Tracy Grandstrand and her team at Stone Gate Farm;
- MHJA and the terrific team of volunteers at the MHJA Hunter Horse Show.
We hope everyone had a great time!
POINTS NOW AVAILABLE! Jumpers through Maffitt Lake Two Rivers Festival I / II; Hunters and Equitation through MHJA Hunter Horse Show.
MHJA Hunter Horse Show PHOTOS AVAILABLE! Download any image HERE using Pin # 1880. Images are sized for social media use (not print quality.) Please give photo credits to Angela Shield Photography when sharing on Facebook, instagram etc.
High resolution downloads are available as well as prints, acrylics, canvas and famed art!
Simply click on your image, select your preference and your images will be professionally processed and shipped directly to your home! Angela Shield Photography (925) 984-3169
MHJA Newsletter deadline is Sept 10.
- Eyes & Ears articles
- Photos from the MHJA Hunter Show
- Memories of the past 50 years of MHJA
- "Where are they now??" Do you have a friend and former MHJA member you would like to write about...their MHJA past and what they are doing today?
Send your information to Heather Parish at eagleton94@gmail.com. DEADLINE SEPT 10! Thank you!
Two weeks of fun at Mid States Fall Series Horse Show beginning SEPT 9!
- Zone 6 HOTY Championships
- MHJA Medal Finals!
- $20,000 Grand Prix
- $15,000 Grand Prix
- $2,000 Mid States Hunter Pairs Classic COSTUME CLASS!!
A big thank you to Tracy Grandstrand and Stonegate Farm for a hosting the 2020 MHJA Hunter Horse Show! Perfect weather, great exhibitors and fabulous volunteers made our show a success. Thanks to all!
What a great weekend for the MHJA Hunter Horse Show! It was my privilege to be a part of your show experience and I hope you enjoy sharing your images with your friends and family!
You may download any image HERE using Pin # 1880. These images are for social media use and sized (not print quality) as such. Please give photo credits (Angela Shield Photography) when sharing on Facebook, instagram etc.
High resolution downloads are available as well as prints, acrylics, canvas and famed art!
Simply click on your image, select your preference and your images will be professionally processed and shipped directly to your home!
Angela Shield Photography (925) 984-3169
Mid States Fall Series Horse Show information now available. Two weeks of fun! ENTRIES CLOSE AUG 26!
The Fall Show will be hosting Zone 6 HOTY Championships and the MHJA Medal Finals! Grand Prix Prize Money has been increased to $20,000!!! The Season Finale Show will feature a $15,000 Grand Prix and the very popular $2,000 MSHS Hunter Pairs Classic COSTUME CLASS!! Show Information available HERE.
IMPORTANT TO READ: COVID-19 requirements that will be adhered to at the MHJA Hunter Horse Show SHOWN HERE. Unfortunately, spectators are not allowed and will be turned away at the entrance in accordance with USEF regulations (parents are considered "Participants" and may enter the show grounds.)
Updated schedules for the August Horse now available:
Opportunity Horse Show (Wed, Aug 19)
The OPPORTUNITY show is listed as MHJA/Stonegate Opportunity Horse Show and the MHJA show is listed as the MHJA Hunter Horse Show. You may register for either/both shows at Horseshowsonline. ALL SHOW INFORMATION AVAILABLE HERE.
2020 Year-to-date Points through Stone Gate Horse Show now available HERE!
Attention Trainers attending the August MHJA horse show at Stonegate Farm: stalls are limited so please contact Tracy Grandstrand at 612-260-6773 with your stall count ASAP. Every effort will be made to accommodate exhibitors. We hope to see you at the MHJA show!
Interested in MHJA Year-end Award participation? Be sure you have a membership prior to your next show! Membership information available here. If applying online, make sure you receive a confirmation email of the transaction.Stone Gate
Summer I Jumper Horse Show results now available HERE, or at Horseshowsonline
MHJA Hunter Horse Show is now a USEF B rated Regional 1 show! Schedule and entries now available Here! ENTRIES CLOSE AUG 1.
REMINDER: Maffitt Lake Entries Close July 15.
Interested in becoming an MHJA Board Member? Interested in running our website? Contact Sue Novak!
Stonegate Summer I Jumper Horse Show July 10-12, has extended the entry deadline and is waiving the $50 late fee until schooling day due to the late mailing of the prize list. CLICK HERE TO READ the Show letter. Show forms and information may be found Here.
Maffitt Lake Summer I and II are ON! Starting July 29! Prize List available here.
The MHJA Board of Directors and the MN Harvest Horse Show Committee today announced the very difficult decision to cancel the 2020 MN Harvest Horse Show. Additional information can be found Here.
Mid States Summer Horse Shows scheduled to begin June 3. Here's Dan Urban with the good news. Prize List and registration information may be found on the Mid States
USEF offers a Member Assistance Program for counseling. Members are eligible to receive 3 free consultations and can reach this service by calling 1-800-633-3353.
USHJA Foundation offers financial assistance through the USHJA Foundation Horseman’s Assistance Fund.
Click on Tan buttons to learn more.
The MN State Fair has canceled their July 21-25 horse show due to restrictions and potential risk of spreading COVID-19 in a large group setting.
The calendar and Schooling Show Schedule have been updated to reflect recent cancellations and date revisions.
USEF is holding the first webinar in the series “Planning for a Safe Return to Competition” on Monday, May 4 at 2 pm CDT. You can register here.
Mary Babick, USHJA President, will be holding a Zone 6 meeting with all horse show managers on Monday. Additionally, Mary will also be hosting another Town Hall on Wednesday, May 6 at 5 pm CDT. You may register here.
USEF, USHJA an MHJA are working hard to keep you up-to-speed with the status of horse show competition. We are living in very difficult times and decisions are being made as new information becomes available.
In light of the impact COVID-19 has had on horse shows, Mary Babick, President USHJA, has begun meeting regularly with each Zone's show managers. Wed, April 15 at 5 p.m. Central Time, Mary will host a Virtual USHJA Town Hall for interested members.
We encourage you to participate and learn what information is available at this point regarding horse showing in 2020. Click on the link, above, and scroll to the bottom of the article for the registration link.
COVID19 has seriously impacted our lives in many ways. Our horses are only one of them, and we are all doing the best we can under trying circumstances. Because situations of this nature can cause anxiety and uncertainty, please remember USEF offers a Member Assistance Program for counseling. Members are eligible to receive 3 free consultations and can reach this service by calling 1-800-633-3353.
Additionally, the USHJA Foundation also offers financial assistance through the USHJA Foundation Horseman’s Assistance Fund. Learn more at: https://www.ushja.org/foundation/how-we-help/horsemans-assistance-fund.
If you choose to utilize either of these services, make sure you have renewed your USEF and USHJA memberships for 2020.
The MHJA will keep members informed of changes to our show season as the situation evolves. We respect tough decisions our members, trainers, and barn owners may need to make as barns put protocols in place for keeping everyone safe during these unprecedented times.
Should questions arise, please do not hesitate to contact any of the Board Members. Their contact information is listed on our website at https://www.mhja6.org/board-contacts-stable-map
Two new horse shows have been added to our MHJA Show Schedule this year:
- Tracy Grandstrand will host a USEF rated Jumper show July 10-12, 2020 at her Stone Gate Farm in Stillwater. Included are 3 Exhibition classes - one with MHJA Medals, and 2 variable height Poise and Brilliance style Hunter classes.
- MHJA will host a USEF Regional I (C) rated Hunter show August 21-23, 2020 at Alex McKay's Harvest Hill Farm in Corcoran. We hope to include all MHJA Year-end Award Hunter sections, and at least 2 Jumper Exhibition classes. A big thank you to Tracy and Alex for their gracious offerings!
Articles and Eyes and Ears newsletter deadline is NOW!!
TRAINERS: Horseman's Directory Ads Due Feb 15! Reference Jan 22 email from mhjazone6@gmail.com. Renew now to continue advertising in the Newsletter and online.
THIS FRIDAY, Jan 31, is the deadline to save $5 on your MHJA Membership. Review the Membership page and choose to use the online OR paper option.
Mid States Horse Shows request from Dan Urban.
MHJA's greatest supporter and good friend, Dan Urban, has requested our Competitive Members take 15 seconds to complete a ONE question survey. Check your email for the survey link from mhjazone6@gmail.com.
Saturday, January 25, 2020 (See calendar)
Cocktail Reception 6 PM
Buffet Dinner 7 PM
Awards 8 PM
Cash, check and credit cards will be accepted for silent auction items at the banquet. Membership renewal table: online or paper!
CONTACT BETSY GAMBACH at beegambach@yahoo.com REGARDING YOUR SILENT AUCTION ITEMS! Click Here to see the great gift ideas!
Gold Medal winning Todd MInikus will be the Jumping clinician at the Midwest Horse Fair (April 17-19, 2020, Madison, WI). Application deadline is January 9.
2020 MHJA-approved rated Horse Shows along with Red Pine and North Run Schooling Shows now published on our site, including Calendar.
Congratulations to our new MHJA Board members: Anna Renier, DVM, Pat Perry Wiernewski, Jeni McDermott, and returning member Betsy Gambach.
Congratulations also go out to our new President: Kelsey Ostberg; and returning Vice President and Treasurer: Norine Wilcox and Kaylyn Cody, Secretary: TBD.
We extend our deep gratitude to outgoing Officers and Members: Sue Novak, President, Tammy Johnson, Secretary, and BOD Members Elizabeth LaFrenz, Michelle Kallenbach, and Kelly Volp.
Attention MHJA Year End Award Champions: Champion photos for The Chronicle Horse Show Issue DUE DECEMBER 13. If you and/or your horse are MHJA Champions, and want your picture in The Chronicle, follow these directions.
​If you or your horse were Zone 6 Champions also, include that info, as your picture will be put under the Zone Awards.
These photos will also be used in the Spring MHJA newsletter.
One correction made in 1.30m Jumpers. Direct any questions / corrections to Betsy Kieffer no later than Dec 1.
Thanks to those who voted! New Board Members will be announced and introduced at the Dec 2 Open Meeting.
Mark your calendars for the annual MHJA Open Meeting to be held Monday, December 2, 7 p.m. at the Leatherdale Center, UMN Equine Center. Your input is needed for a very important discussion regarding the 2020 Spring MHJA Horse Show. We will no longer be able to use Carriage House as a venue for this show, so must look at what few options and dates we have available to us for 2020. Treats will be provided…we look forward to seeing you there!
CALLING MHJA JR'S BETWEEN 6th GRADE THROUGH 12th GRADE! MHJA is forming a new Board of MHJA Junior members to provide leadership & representation for the MHJA Junior program, give the MHJA Board an improved opportunity to hear from this growing segment of our Association, and also offer a leadership opportunity for our youth.
NOTICE: The Lead & Learn scheduled to be held at Arbor Hill Farm this Saturday, November 9, has been postponed. Stay tuned for future information!
Year-end Points corrected: Modified CH Hunter 2'9". Please notify Betsy Kieffer if other correction needs to be made. The year-end points will lock in Dec 1.
Exciting Holiday issue of the MHJA Newsletter is planned! The Year-end Award Winners will be shifted to the first issue of the new year, while the year-end issue will feature the Harvest Show and a celebration of the MHJA barns and members. So... each barn will receive one full page (free!) to create a collage of photos from the year! Be sure to include your barn name somewhere on the page! DEADLINE: NOV 1. Don't forget to submit your Eyes and Ears article too. DON'T DELAY!! NOV 1 IS A HARD DEADLINE!
Send your information to Heather Parish!
MHJA Juniors! Please join us on Friday, October 25 for an exciting evening at the University of MN Leatherdale Center & Piper Equine Hospital! We’re excited that the evening will include a tour of the Piper Equine Hospital, including the ICU, exam rooms, their X-ray / MRI machines, and a chance to meet Hercules, their Belgian draft and favorite blood donor! Following the tour we'll have dinner, fun activities, and an opportunity to socialize with your fellow MHJA Juniors! Space is limited so go to the following website to sign up & get more details!
Please note that because of our limited space this event is for MHJA members only. If you're not yet a member but would like to attend please fill out a membership application as well. Any new memberships are valid through 2020.
Show results for the MN Harvest Horse Show may be found at http://showplace.showmanagementsystem.com/ You can find an owner, trainer, rider or horse by using the search function in the upper right corner the website.
The MN Harvest Horse Show and MHJA are thrilled to have been selected as a qualifying venue for the Omaha Equestrian Foundation $15,000 InIt2WinIt Speed Class to be held on Thursday evening, October 3. Read more about it!
We are pleased to announce that credit cards will now be accepted at the Harvest Horse Show Office!
MN Harvest Horse Show Prize List, Entries and Schedule now available online! ENTRY DEADLINE: SEPT. 15.
2019 Points now updated through the MN State Fair!
Congratulations to our MHJA member representing Zone 6 at the USHJA Zone Jumper Championship:
1.10/1.15m Adult Amateur Jumper Team Bronze Medal: Anne Meyer
Congratulations to our MHJA members representing Zone 6 at the USHJA Zone Ch/Ad Amateur Hunter Championships:
Children's Hunter Team Bronze Medal: Grace Griffin
Adult Amateur Hunter Team Gold Medal: Dr. Sharon Golden and Lindsay Vail.
POINTS THROUGH MID STATES ENCORE HORSE SHOW (WK 2) NOW AVAILABLE! Be sure to check your information carefully and let Betsy Kieffer know if there are any errors.
Carriage House horse show additions. Two more Opportunity jumper classes at .70m added on Friday and Saturday right before the regular .70 class. Come to brunch on Saturday morning, and on Sunday at noon visit the puppy dogs from Safe Hands Dog Rescue.
IMPORTANT: Carriage House entry forms taken from this site prior to last weekend were the 2018 entry forms and are NOT to be used for this year's show.
If you already mailed it to Patty Humphries, please complete this form and resend as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience!
The DEADLINE for the summer edition of the MHJA Newsletter is THIS WEEK...June 21. Don't forget to submit your Eyes and Ears and other articles to Heather Parish. PLUS…
Graduates! Your newsletter article is DUE NOW! Check HERE for tips on content. Send to Heather by Friday, June 21 We want to hear from you!
ATTENTION PARENTS AND GUARDIANS: In keeping with the philosophy of Safe Sport, MHJA is implementing a policy pertaining to the potential publishing* of photographs of minors taken at horse shows and other MHJA-sanctioned activities.
* Includes MHJA-related media such as our Newsletter, FaceBook page, Website, or other MHJA publications. Please read the following summary for further clarification.
We extend our thanks to all of the exhibitors, office staff, crew and volunteers having attended and worked at the MHJA Spring Horse Show. Your participation made this annual show a great success!
Mid States Horse Show Information now online.
Important Information for MHJA Horse Show:
- Please Do NOT arrive prior to 4 p.m. on Tuesday
- Please Park in designated areas as required
More information Available Here Traveling to Maffitt Lake Equestrian Center this week? Be aware of the IA detour to get there!
Maffitt Lake Spring Gathering I Prize List, Entry, Schedule now available! Entry Deadline April 23. This show counts toward MHJA Year-End Awards.
MHJA Spring Horse Show Update #2: the following classes have been added to the schedule on Sat. Opportunity Jumper .70-.75m (Class 403) and Exhibition Jumper .70-.75m, (Class 404). Both classes are Opportunity. Additional information can be found here.
MHJA SPRING SHOW UPDATE: The specs for the Hunter Challenge (Class #197) have been changed to include "3' and 3' with 3'3" Option" and is now also open to Pro riders." Check Here to see the revised Specifications
Congratulations to MHJA member, Kelsey Ostberg, for being selected to receive a private lesson with none other than George Morris while at the Omaha Int'l Horse Show.
Come visit the new beautiful Carrageen Farm in Independence and learn about show grooming (Kelsey Ostberg), nutrition (Rachel Motett, Purina), and medicine and lameness diagnosis (Erica Dobbs, DVM) at this April 27 1-3 pm Multi-Dimensional Clinic! Sponsored in partnership with MHJA. MHJA JUNIORS ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND! Learn more and SIGN UP HERE!
Check out Zone 6 Specifications for 2019.
Membership Roster Updated as of March 27.
MHJA 2019 Class Specifications, Year-End Award Sections and Opportunity Class Summary now available online!
Learn about this year's Emerging Athlete Program and grants available to help defray expenses. Grant applications must be received by April 1.
It's the Horsemanship Challenge Quiz time of the year! If you are less than 21 as of Dec.1, 2019, consider applying for this great opportunity!
Urban Equine Events UEE Goodtime Days Horse Show information / forms now available. Entries close March 28.
A hearty thank you to the businesses and farms supporting MHJA in 2019 through online sponsorship, newsletter advertising and Horsemen's Directory participation. A special welcome to those sponsors who are new for us! You are all greatly appreciated.
A big thanks to Red Pine Horse Show Association and North Run Farm for providing an excellent offering of Hunter, Jumper and Dressage schooling shows in our area. A combined Schooling Show Schedule is now accessible from our home page.
2019 Media Kit and Ad Insertion Order Form are now available. Advertising rates remain the same for 2019! The deadline for the Spring Newsletter has been extended to NO LATER THAN FEB 22.
Red Pine Hunter/Jumper Schooling Show schedule and host locations now available on MHJA Calendar page. A combined schooling show list will be posted on the home page very soon.
NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL!! Thanks to a generous donation from Dr. Anna Renier, you have the opportunity to bid on a certificate for One Horse Physical Exam that expires 12-24-2019 (see the certificate with specifics). If interested please send an email to mhja6@gmail.com indicating your $ bid and your email address. Top bid as of 1-24-18 will be the winner! Bidding is also taking place on our Face Book page. You can find out more details about Dr. Anna Renier on her web site www.renierequine.com (612) 386.7798
Now that winter has settled in we often have the desire to cocoon in this part of the country. The MHJA BOD strongly encourages all OWNERS, TRAINERS AND RIDERS 18 years of age and older, to take this time to educate yourself about Safe Sport. There are 3 modules and you do not have to complete them all at once. The training is informative and required to be completed prior to competing during 2019.
When you check in at a show, the secretary will confirm you have taken this training. You may print off your USEF/USHJA card which will show you have completed the requirement. The show secretary will also have a list from USEF identifying your status. Including a copy of your updated membership card with your entry is also a way to confirm your eligibility to compete.
Don't wait until the last minute! It takes 24 - 48 hours for USEF to confirm your Safe Sport training completion. There will be nothing the show secretary can do if USEF has no record in their system. We would hate for anyone to be turned away from competition due to procrastination.
USEF Safe Sport Training link near the bottom.
Hopefully, parents of our riders who are minors are aware of the extremely important USEF Safe Sport Policy that has been implemented.
Information is also available for parents,
including a Parent Tool Kit published by the U.S. Center for Safe Sport.